Jefferson School Mission Statement

Jefferson Elementary School provides rigorous, high quality instruction that encompasses the academic,

physical, emotional and social well-being of each student. Utilizing a growth mindset, students will be empowered

to set goals and achieve them. Every student will have opportunities to develop the necessary skills to be

college and career ready to reach their full potential.


Our Visions Statements

  • In an exemplary school, curriculum, instruction, and assessment are integral components to student success. As a school staff we will meet frequently to plan to ensure high quality instruction, implement active participation strategies to engage all students in learning and meet weekly to collaborate and analyze student data.

  • In an exemplary school, every student has access to a rigorous curriculum so that they have the skills and knowledge needed to make choices for their future. As a school staff we will work together to take collective responsibility for all students so that no student will "fall through the cracks" and provide high quality instruction and interventions so that students will make measurable progress.

  • In an exemplary school, a Professional Learning Community is in place to focus on learning and ensure student achievement. As a school staff we will collaborate to work towards the same goal and maintain a high level of trust to make our school a safe, respectful, warm, friendly, and fun place to be.

  • In an exemplary school, a culture for learning is established by providing a safe and nurturing environment for students and staff. As a school staff we will collaborate and come to a consensus of what high expectations we want and model, expect, and reciprocate respect.

  • In an exemplary school, a culture is created that promotes a continuous cycle of improvement where all stakeholders monitor the instructional program throughout the year. As a school staff we will engage in effective professional development, collaborate with all stakeholders on a consistent basis to share student data and provide multiple opportunities to celebrate our successes.

  • In an exemplary school, community engagement is collaboration among all students, families, residents, and businesses in a committed effort to ensure success for all students. As a school staff we will invite and encourage community participation and recognize community heroes and role models.